Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Brain Feels Like Exploding!

Ok, so today was new teacher orientation! It was eight hours of listening to people tell us all about Anchorage School District and how to use the website and who to ask all your questions..... However it was all so much to take in my brain feels like exploding!
Here are few things I have learned not only today but in the last few days.
1. We do not have snow days here, but we have ice days.. which means that if the temperature has been below freezing for a while and then one day the winds off of the Pacific bring in forty-fifty degree weather everything will melt and then once its dark its a terrible mess of ice!
2. The certification office asks a lot of us teachers!
3. I do not have to do any substitute training because I am already hired with the school district... woot!
4. Everyone here is amazingly nice! Especially the Human Resource ladies... They are awesome...
Over all I think I am learning a lot but man I am still so far behind. Tomorrow I have my GRE test, and then Saturday hopefully Ill be able to spend the day organizing my classroom... We shall see....
Well I gotta go!
Love you all!

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