Monday, August 15, 2011

Back to School

Well it has been a while! I have been super busy getting ready for my first day of classes, and on top of it all I have been sick! ICK! Saturday I was feeling so poopy that I had an emotional fruitcake moment. LOL It wasn't pretty but Benjamin was wonderful through it. :)
Anyway, My classroom is set up as much as it can be. I would like to have more things to hang on my walls and more of a reading area, but hey I will get that all as I move along. I am super nervous about the kiddos coming tomorrow though! I am sure it will be ok but still its nerve racking!
We haven't had a chance to really do much around Anchorage between my working and us not having money, but we are looking forward to getting out. Apparently getting out during the winter is a must. So we will be taking up either Snow Shoeing (which is hiking with snow shoes on) or Cross Country Skiing. I dunno which though.
And for all those wondering, Ben hasn't found work yet, but there are a couple of leads that seem promising so we shall see how that goes. I really hope he gets a job that will work with our vacations back to MO... We shall see I suppose. Well I really ought to be getting to bed now. I hope everyone liked my post!
Love you all!

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